Friday, December 23, 2011

Muslims protest at NJ Lowe's over pulled ad

AP  Eyewitness NewsPATERSON -- Members of New Jersey's large Muslim community protested outside a Lowe's store in Paterson on Friday.

They gathered to criticize the company's decision to pull ads from a reality TV show about American Muslims.

About two dozen people gathered in the parking lot off a busy highway and held signs that said "Don't Appease Hate Mongers" and "Discrimination is Low, Lowe's."

Aref Assaf, the head of the Paterson-based American Arab Forum, says the protest is meant to show that most Americans respect diversity and get along with one another. He says Lowe's is caving in to extremist elements that don't represent the views of most Americans.

Mooresville, N.C.-based Lowe's has stood by its decision to pull ads from the TLC reality show "All-American Muslim" after complaints from an evangelical group.

A handful of people also showed up to support Lowe's decision.

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