Friday, December 9, 2011

Christie interrupted by protesters in Iowa

  Eyewitness NewsDES MOINES, Iowa (WABC) -- New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was on the campaign trail in Iowa Wednesday, stumping for Mitt Romney.

But mid-speech, he was interrupted by a group of Occupy Wall Street protesters chanting about the 99% saying, "Put people first."

Governor Christie fired back saying, "You know what, we're used to dealing with jokers like this in New Jersey all the time."

More than two dozen protesters were escorted out of the event.

Christie then joked to the crowd, "I hope you all enjoyed it, they'll be working at the Marriot down the street, please remember to tip your waiters and waitresses. Let's see, where was I before I was so New Jersily interrupted."


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2012 presidential election, chris christie, mitt romney, politics & elections

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