Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Police warn NJ residents of Craigslist robber

By Scott Curkin; Eyewitness NewsIRVINGTON, New Jersey (WABC) -- Buyers beware as a man is allegedly posting ads on Craigslist is robbing his customers at gunpoint.

The Craigslist robber is believed to have struck at least three times in Irvington, New Jersey.

In the first robbery, on Carolina Avenue in March, he posted an ad for a discounted iPad and robbed a man from Brooklyn of his phone and cash. In the latest two robberies, he posted an ad for a Honda Civic and asked potential buyers to meet him for a 'cash only' sale.

Police believe the suspect wanted to meet his buyers at the end of Orange Place because it's quiet and residential. What he didn't know was that neighbors were very observant and suspicious.

Last Thursday, a neighbor snapped a photo of the suspect, automatic weapon in hand, robbing two men who had come to purchase the car he saw advertised on Craigslist. The suspect stole an iPhone and cash. Police say this should be a cautionary tale for Craigslist users.

"If you're going to meet someone and you're carrying money, why don't you pick the meeting place," said Joseph Santiago, Director of Irvington Police.

On May 7, a neighbor's surveillance cameras caught another robbery attempt, but that person never even got out of his car and sped away when the man he thought was selling him a car pulled out the gun.

People sometimes get so excited about a bargain that they don't make every effort to protect themselves," said Chief Michael Chase.

The suspect only communicated with his victims on a cell phone, which was prepaid and cannot be traced. Irvington officials are hoping someone recognizes the suspect from the photos.

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