Wednesday, September 12, 2012

School looks for solutions after fire destroys building

HOBOKEN, New Jersey (WABC) -- On Thursday, more than 200 kids and teachers got out of their school as smoke and flames filled hallways.

They were all out and safe in less than a minute, then within a couple of hours the K-8 charter school they fought to build for two years was gone.

"It was hard, I love that place," said Principal Dierdra Grode.

Ms. Grode she says the damage is devastating and that they still don't know what started it or where they are going, but that school will be back in session "somewhere and somehow" by Monday.

So even though they have no building, parents, teachers and kids were all in the park making thank you notes for firefighters on Tuesday.

The day it happened everyone thought it was a fire drill. "We were in the middle of Spanish and the fire bell rang," said Ethan Zhang.

In part, because they are a service learning school, they are channeling their energy into gratitude.

But they will also take any help they can get at their website, HOBOKENCS.ORG

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