Saturday, July 2, 2011

Christie: I won't OK bill allowing NJ gay marriage

Chris Christie (FILE) New Jersey Gov. elect Chris Christie announces Thursday, Dec. 16, 2009, in Trenton, N.J., that he is appointing Kim Guadagno, right, who will be New Jersey's first lieutenant governor, to pull double duty in the new administration by also serving as secretary of state. (AP Photo / Mel Evans)

AP  Eyewitness NewsWASHINGTON -- Gov. Chris Christie says he won't sign a bill allowing gay marriage in New Jersey like Gov. Andrew Cuomo did in neighboring New York.

Christie appeared on NBC's /*"Meet the Press"*/ on Sunday, days after Cuomo signed a bill legalizing same-sex marriage in New York. Christie told host David Gregory that New Jersey will "continue to pursue civil unions."

The Republican governor also discussed /*President Barack Obama/*'s plan to pull troops from Afghanistan and his decision to release 30 million barrels of oil from U.S. emergency reserves.

Christie declined to comment on the troop withdrawal, noting that Obama had more knowledge on the situation.

But he expressed concern about the oil release, saying it could be viewed as a political move.

Meanwhile, one of the most outspoken opponents of same-sex marriage is New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan.

The Catholic leader celebrated mass Sunday morning at St. Patrick's Cathedral with what he says was a tinge of sadness.

The archbishop said he's disappointed, but not surprised, the objections of numerous religious leaders weren't enough to stop the legislation from passing.

"I'm just sad because I think it's, uh, not good, it's not good for the common good and that's what we've been arguing for so long. It's just that, I, I think as society, a culture, is that it's peril if we, if we presume to tamper with what has been settled and given and already taught us and cherished for the history of civilization," Dolan said.

Dolan says he loves the gay community very much, but does not believe the definition of marriage can be altered.

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